Thursday, September 1, 2011

Gastric Cancer Diagnosis: Endoscopy With Narrow-band ImagingGastric Cancer Diagnosis: Endoscopy With Narrow-band Imaging

Gastric Cancer Diagnosis: Endoscopy With Narrow-band ImagingGastric Cancer Diagnosis: Endoscopy With Narrow-band Imaging
What are the endoscopic techniques that can most thoroughly diagnose early gastric cancers? Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology (Source: Medscape Today Headlines)

Lifetime-Beauty : Ästhetik und Wellness Messe in Düsseldorf
Vom 30.04. bis zum 01.05.2011 findet im ehemaligen Düsseldorfer Interconti Hotel auf der Königsallee die zweite Lifetime-Beauty – Messe statt. Im Ballsaal des Düsseldorfer Hotels zeigen Aussteller aus den Bereichen Dermatologie, Plastische Chirurgie, Zahnmedizin und Wellness aktuelle Behandlungsmöglichkeiten zur Prävention und Therapie altersbedingter Veränderungen des Körpers. Besucher können sich über plastische Operationen, minimal invasive Unterspritzungen [...]

Yoga Is Put To The Test As A Modern Treatment For Psychiatric Disorders
Yoga is commonly seen as a practice beneficial to body and mind. Increasingly, yoga is being taken a step further and applied as a form of complementary and alternative medicine in treating psychiatric disorders. Can this ancient lifestyle practice for spiritual awareness stand up to testing standards required by modern science to prove that it is an effective treatment? An article in the Summer 2011 issue of the journal Biofeedback examines how yoga is being applied as a therapy in disorders such as diabetes mellitus, hypertension, atherosclerosis, and neuropsychiatric disorders... (Source: Health News from Medical News Today)

Turns Resistance To Radiation Treatment On And Off
Radiation can make cancer cells resistant to radio- and chemotherapy. University of Oslo researchers have now figured out how resistance can be switched on and off. By Yngve Vogt, research-magazine Apollon, University of Oslo Although radiation treatment is becoming increasingly important in combating cancer, it can, due to resistance, work poorly for many patients. "We don't know which patients are affected before radiation treatment starts... (Source: Health News from Medical News Today)

Link Between 'Bleeding Calf Syndrome' And Vaccine
Bleeding calf syndrome (bovine neonatal pancytopenia or BNP) affects new born calves resulting in low blood cell counts and depletion of the bone marrow. It first emerged in 2007 and a serious number of cases are reported each year. In affected calves, bone marrow cells which produce platelets are also destroyed. Consequently the calves' blood does not clot and they appear to bleed through undamaged skin. There is evidence that BNP is linked to the use of a particular vaccine against "Bovine viral diarrhea virus" (BVDV)... (Source: Health News from Medical News Today)

Nach einem entsprechenden Vorgespr�ch und der Begutachtung der Patienten oder Patientinnen entscheidet der ausf�hrende Sch�nheitschirurg dar�ber, welche Faltenbehandlung Kosten am besten geeignet ist.

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